all postcodes in YO7 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO7 3AR 1 54.207143 -1.282389
YO7 3AA 5 54.230797 -1.328285
YO7 3AB 6 54.224594 -1.326361
YO7 3AD 0 54.221953 -1.319279
YO7 3AE 0 54.213973 -1.310087
YO7 3AF 0 54.207478 -1.305825
YO7 3AG 1 54.210161 -1.320822
YO7 3AH 1 54.205073 -1.323925
YO7 3AJ 0 54.199496 -1.338373
YO7 3AL 0 54.203771 -1.310649
YO7 3AN 0 54.200057 -1.309414
YO7 3AP 0 54.20643 -1.297196
YO7 3AQ 0 54.2136 -1.317116
YO7 3AS 0 54.201213 -1.290325
YO7 3AT 0 54.192707 -1.279705
YO7 3AU 1 54.197725 -1.276589
YO7 3AW 0 54.194845 -1.301837
YO7 3AX 0 54.187638 -1.265624
YO7 3AY 2 54.184793 -1.261859
YO7 3BA 2 54.178867 -1.273256